Over the years, I have created several custom actions to make my podcasting editing in Reaper so much easier and to save me time. As I’ve demonstrated these actions in my live streams and on The REAPER Blog YouTube channel, a lot of podcast editors have found them useful.
There isn’t an easy way to share custom actions with other users but it is possible to share scripts. So I’ve decided to convert my custom actions into ReaScripts to easily share them with you. Using scripts opens up so many possibilities that I can’t achieve with custom actions. Scripts allow more specific customizations as well as being able to easily share updates with you.
Enjoy the following Podcasting Powerup Scripts for REAPER!
I’d love to hear what you create with these! Tag me in the Facebook group or on Reddit and I’ll share you work with the Reaper for Podcasting community!
Is there something missing? Do you have feedback or suggestions for future updates? Send me a message or leave a comment below.
And if you have requests on other scripts that would help your workflow, let me know them as well.
ReaPack (Recommended)
The easiest way to use these scripts is to add them via ReaPack. You can easily get the latest updates just by synchronizing in ReaPack. Just add the following repository into ReaPack
You can also follow along the development at
For step by step instructions on how to install ReaPack
Manual Installation
You can install the scripts manually if you prefer but you won’t be able to get updates or new scripts automatically.
- Download the latest ZIP folder from
- Extract the scripts to path/to/REAPER/Scripts
- You can find this folder from within REAPER. Go to Options>Show REAPER resource path in explorer/finder… (See demo)
- Final file structure should look like REAPER/Scripts/Reaper for Podcasting/Tools
- In REAPER, go to Actions>Show action list…
- Click “New action…” then “Load ReaScript…”
- Navigate to REAPER/Scripts/Reaper for Podcasting/Tools
- Double-click on a script to add it to REAPER
- Repeat for each script
Script Details
RFP_Remove content to beginning of item
This action is what I used to call “Adobe Style edit’. That’s because it was influenced by Adobe Premiere’s editing function that’s associated with the Q key. What it does is delete everything from where your edit cursor is to the beginning of that item. It honors the ripple state so will adjust items based on what your ripple state is.
This is really useful for me to get really precise cuts. Trying to highlight and delete can lead to artifacts and cutting something you didn’t mean to or not cutting what you wanted to. I find this particularly useful with speakers that do several takes. I can just keep cutting back to the starting point until I get to that final take.
Visual Demo

RFP_Remove content to end of item
This action does the exact same thing as the previous item but deletes everything from your edit cursor to the END of the item.
Visual Demo

RFP_Remove selected item(s) ignoring ripple
This is what I use for interviews. After I run Auto Trim/Split I’m left with a ton of little items that don’t need to be there. I can easily delete these without turning Ripple on and off and not worrying about it messing up the other track.
Visual Demo

RFP_Toggle playrate between 1 and 1.5
I usually edit at 1.5x speed. This allows me to quickly toggle back and forth. You can do this when you’re pause/stopped or when your listening to the audio.

RFP_Set item volume to -10db
This will set the volume of the audio within the time selection to -10db. This is great for dealing with really loud breaths. If you don’t have any time selection but do have an item selected then it will set that item to -10db. If you have no time selection or items selected then the script does nothing. You don’t have to stop playback at all. It will catch back up to the play cursor so that you don’t interrupt your listening.
Visual Demo